Cuffing season is always just around the corner, and that means it’s time to get nice and cozy. Let’s face it, though – dating can be hard. Choosing where to go and what to do can make or break a budding relationship. That’s why we’ve got the perfect dating advice for you: bring your date axe throwing.
Here are 7 reasons why an axe throwing date is the perfect choice!
If your idea of cutting-edge romance is dinner and a movie, hoo boy have we got some news for you. It’s the 21st century! It’s time to embrace new and interesting date ideas, and taking your date axe throwing is an absolutely unique way to spend a few hours getting to know one another. A lot better than sitting next to your date in a dark theater and not talking to them for two hours straight, anyway; who wants to overpay for tickets and popcorn and then sit around in a place where your feet stick to the floor? Not you, and probably not your date!
So ditch the traditional trappings and take your date somewhere that will knock their socks off instead.
Great relationships are built on shared memories together, and there’s no better way to create some truly outstanding shared memories than by going axe throwing with your date. Odds are your date has never gone before, and that means “first time going axe throwing” will be a memory that you’ll always inhabit in their mind; you’ll be the person that forever lives on in their memory as “the one who took me axe throwing”. This goes double for you personally if you’ve never gone axe throwing either, as this makes the date one heck of a bonding experience.
Talk about increasing your chances of a second date – if it’s a choice between you and the person that asked them out to the movies again, who do you think they’ll choose?
Great relationships are built on shared memories together, and there’s no better way to create some truly outstanding shared memories than by going axe throwing with your date. Odds are your date has never gone before, and that means “first time going axe throwing” will be a memory that you’ll always inhabit in their mind; you’ll be the person that forever lives on in their memory as “the one who took me axe throwing”. This goes double for you personally if you’ve never gone axe throwing either, as this makes the date one heck of a bonding experience.
Talk about increasing your chances of a second date – if it’s a choice between you and the person that asked them out to the movies again, who do you think they’ll choose?
Pro tip: if it’s your idea to take your date axe throwing, go a few times beforehand by yourself to hone your skills. Then, when you get there with your date, you can wow them with your axe throwing prowess! It’s up to you if you want to admit you’ve done it before; while the whole “instant prodigy” thing might be even more impressive, if it ever comes out that you set your date up they might not be too happy with you in the end. Then again, they might think it’s really charming and maybe even a little sweet that you spent time preparing for your date just so that you could impress them.
Just make sure you don’t drop the axe on your foot or anything else to embarrass yourself and you’ll be fine!
Because so few people even think of going axe throwing for a date, doing so draws a lot of attention and interest. If you or your date is addicted to social media, a few pictures or videos posted to your Instagram or TikTok are going to wow your followers (and probably make you and your date’s friends more than a little jealous). A nice photographic record of fun times is always great; whether it’s a first date or you’ve been seeing each other for some time, a reminder of how much fun you had together increases the chances you’ll go out again in the future. And hey, if you can get a few likes and shares out of the deal for the ‘gram, even better, right?
Because so few people even think of going axe throwing for a date, doing so draws a lot of attention and interest. If you or your date is addicted to social media, a few pictures or videos posted to your Instagram or TikTok are going to wow your followers (and probably make you and your date’s friends more than a little jealous). A nice photographic record of fun times is always great; whether it’s a first date or you’ve been seeing each other for some time, a reminder of how much fun you had together increases the chances you’ll go out again in the future. And hey, if you can get a few likes and shares out of the deal for the ‘gram, even better, right?
If you’re looking to make a relationship last, you need to put some work in. That’s just how it goes! It doesn’t matter if it’s a new relationship or one that’s already in existence, either. Whether you’re going on a first date with the hopes of making this a regular thing or this is just one of many dates you’ve had over the course of a relationship, sharing memorable experiences can help strengthen bonds over time, and that means you’ll grow closer together.
Axe throwing is such a unique experience that it’ll be completely unforgettable, and it obviously shows your date that you’re as thoughtful as you are fun when it comes to finding things to do together.
Every relationship has its ups and downs, but let’s be honest: if there aren’t more positive aspects than there are negative ones, you’re probably not going to be together for very long. If you want to turn this single date into a relationship, starting off on the right foot by experiencing some very positive emotions together by going axe throwing is a really good step.
Keeping those positive emotions going in an existing relationship by taking your partner axe throwing can do much of the same as well, and it’ll certainly help to have these moments of positivity to fall back on if you ever find yourselves in a bit of a negative rut.
Looking for a new killer story for the ‘gram? Tired of doing stupid TikTok dances and ready to get some more bad-ass content out in front of people’s faces?
Axe throwing ticks all those social media boxes for drawing attention and engagement. People will just have to comment on a video of you sinking steel into a target!
Dating is hard enough, but it’s even worse if you’re a little bit on the shy side. Trying to make small talk with someone can often feel like you’re pulling out your own teeth, and it’s even more difficult if you’ve got feelings for someone and you’re trying not to come off as a weirdo! Thankfully, taking a date axe throwing gives you plenty of opportunities to avoid talking if you feel like you don’t know what to say. You don’t want to be impolite by throwing off your date’s aim, after all!
Plus, you can always talk about how great their last throw was (even if it bounced off the target and landed on the floor).